I can’t believe it’s been 3 years!
It’s crazy to think that this time 3 years ago I was sitting in front of my computer and registering my business and making the first steps in starting my professional photography journey, something I thought wouldn’t happen until much later in life. So it’s exciting just saying it out loud that Nisha Haq Photography has been in business for 3 years!
I remember in the first few months it was nerve-wracking to even say I was a professional photographer let alone to class myself as an entrepreneur or that I was a business owner. Even doing my first Facebook advert felt alien to me and putting my business ‘out there’ was a daunting concept. Fast forward 3 years, it’s been a pretty incredible ride in getting here today and certainly lots of amazing experiences along the way!
On this day last year...
I was pulling a gobsmacked expression in front of a large audience when comedian Ellie Taylor called my name to be crowned IPSE UK Young Freelancer of the Year. Certainly a day I won’t forget! This was the extra push I needed to take the plunge into being a full-time freelancer a month later and what a journey it’s been!
I know a lot of businesses have corporate goals they target such as a certain annual turnover or profit they want to make in a certain period or hitting a certain amount of followers to they want to reach. Don’t get me wrong, all these things are important in the day-to-day in running a business, but what I’m most proud of in what I’ve achieved in the last 3 years can’t be measured in numbers, it’s knowing my confidence in both myself as a woman and a business owner has grown so much, it’s definitely not something I would have foreseen.
It’s the confidence
The confidence in believing in myself and knowing that going full-time with my business is the best thing for me.
The confidence in trusting my gut with decisions and growing my business.
The full confidence to introduce myself as a professional photographer / entrepreneur and badass businesswoman (I might bleep the badass out if saying aloud!).

3 goals
I’m also proud of the fact that I’m already on the right path to accomplish the goals I set at the beginning of the year which is a first for me. Every New Year's resolution gets recycled and never usually gets achieved… well, 2018 isn’t going to be that year! My 3 personals goals this year is:
- Moving in with my partner of 6 1/2 years and getting our own place together, plus a much bigger (and snazzier) office and a portable home studio! (Which I've ticked off this whopper in March!)
- Adopting a healthier lifestyle and actually sticking to it (started in April and I’ve lost half a stone and on my way to losing a full stone soon!)
- Launching my new Fearless Females portrait and Q&A series and writing more inspirational blog posts and telling women's stories (I launched on International Women's Day, 8 March! The next fearless female will be published very soon - watch this space!
3 fabulous shoots
for 3 fabulous people
to celebrate 3 fabulous years!
-Couples / engagement photo session to celebrate that special love in your life!
(Up to 1.5 hour photoshoot in a location or your choice, usually an outdoor location e.g. woodlands, city, beach etc.)
(Ideal for someone who has started/running their own business or a freelancer/ self-employed entrepreneur; up to 2 hour photoshoot in a location or your choice, usually at your business offices or place of work)
-Bespoke Boudoir session to celebrate the goddess in you!
(Up to 3 hour photoshoot in a location or your choice, usually at your home / a local hotel / my home studio)
So come on and join in the fun & excitement! To enter, fill in your details & preferences, a little bit about you and why you’d like a photo session with me (plus put down any unique ideas you have too!)