Going Full-Time Freelance with my Business
Monday, July 24, 2017
So I have a BIG announcement to make... I'm excited to say that I have gone full-time with my business Nisha Haq Photography as of today and being a full-time self-employed freelancer! Writing this blog post on my first day of running my business full-time feels pretty surreal and amazing and I'm so happy to share this fantastic news with you! EEEEK!
Some of you may know I've been working full-time as a graphic designer/marketing officer at Grange Park Opera for the past year with often 40+ hours a week at the day job and 20-40+ a week freelancing and it's been a challenging year but certainly very rewarding too. This past year has been an amazing roller coaster and I've had the wonderful opportunity of working with such amazing clients and experiencing the most beautiful weddings, engagements & photoshoots along the way. I hadn't realised how much my business has really grown over the past 12 months and I am so fortunate to have so many brilliant people supporting me (particularly my partner, Rob!) and such lovely and understanding clients too.
Having celebrated my second year business anniversary, winning IPSE Aspire Freelancer of the Year Award last month, turning 24 in May and most recently last week found that I have been shortlisted as a Semi-Finalist in the Hampshire Venus Awards for Customer Service has given me the confidence boost to make my full-time passion a full-time business. Although I had announced on stage that I'd be going full-time after being awarded aspiring freelancer on National Freelancers Day, I hadn't realised just how soon I would be making the leap to full-time self-employment!
With a portfolio that I've built over the past 3-4 years working for other companies in design, marketing and communications whilst building my own photography business these past 2 years has taught me so many invaluable skills and experiences and looking to continuously developing my portfolio and refining my skills. I'm excited about and all the fabulous ideas and things I've got to share with you all over the coming months.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today especially all my wonderfully amazing clients. To have found the confidence to be a full-time freelancer and be fully self-dependent is a liberating and exciting prospect. I've found the past few months have taught me... if you don't try, you'll never know! I'm very excited about this new chapter and look forward to you being a part of this exciting new venture.
With a portfolio that I've built over the past 3-4 years working for other companies in design, marketing and communications whilst building my own photography business these past 2 years has taught me so many invaluable skills and experiences and looking to continuously developing my portfolio and refining my skills. I'm excited about and all the fabulous ideas and things I've got to share with you all over the coming months.
Being full-time with Nisha Haq Photography will allow me to:
- Dedicate more time to each client
- Quicker turnaround times for weddings & shoots
- More flexibility for arranging shoots, meetings during the week
- Weekday hours for correspondence and availability
- Develop more commercial work & network with businesses
- More opportunities for more shoots & more services (e.g. boudoir, graphic design)
- More blogging on tips, inspiration and advice (horray!)
- A refreshed, energised and happy business woman & photographer!
Watch this space for some exciting new projects & services I'll be developing over the months such as boudoir photography, commercial photography, website & design packages as well as event & family photography and of course more fabulous and epic weddings, engagements and styled shoots too!

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today especially all my wonderfully amazing clients. To have found the confidence to be a full-time freelancer and be fully self-dependent is a liberating and exciting prospect. I've found the past few months have taught me... if you don't try, you'll never know! I'm very excited about this new chapter and look forward to you being a part of this exciting new venture.
If you're looking to have wedding photography or book a photo shoot please get in touch.
If you would like advice on how to go freelance or mentoring on running a photography/creative business drop me an email: hello@nishahaqphotography.com